i have a question for you guys... my readers... would 300 pictures of our trip to germany be too much to send in an ofoto album?
as you know i love taking pictures, and i take lots of them, and some of them are pretty good if i do say so myself. while in berlin and leipzig over an 8 day period i took over 600 pictures. now, listen here, i spent a lot of time this morning whittling down those 600+ pictures to 300, and you must know it was difficult. but, now i'm afraid that 300 is still too much to send out in one album.
therefore, as of now, i will need you to make a special request if you want this album emailed to you. a few of you will get it anyways whether you want it or not, but the rest of you will need to make a specific request to see it. i really don't want to bombard anyone with more pictures than they can handle.
but, i must make one final little plug here and say that we had SUCH a great time and saw LOTS of cool things... the pics are super rad if you have the time to scroll through them all.