My brother and Lynae are in the Bay Area this weekend and happened to visit Berkeley today. And, of course, when you're in Berkeley, how can you not stop for some Cheeseboard pizza with John and Jess!
Tonight we had a mini-burger feast from Burger Meester. Below you are viewing a falafel burger, a goat cheese burger, a duck burger, a tuna burger, and a pheasant burger. Since neither of us eat red meat we tried one of each kind of burger they offered that wasn't beef or lamb. YUM!
We all miss Mexican food so much we decided to make an event of it. We had a guac-off at Erin's house and she had tacos and nachos and margaritas. Ruth's famous guac won. The secret... lots of garlic.
Since I was at home all day doing homework, and not much else happened to blog about, I thought it would be nice to share my favorite quote from my readings today.
It comes from a book called "Family Life Education" by Stephen F. Duncan and H. Wallace Goddard.
"Knowing a child means rediscovering him or her afresh in each encounter." p. 275
Tonight we went to this Ice Bar here in Amsterdam. It was pretty ridiculous, yes, we are all wearing Heineken jackets they handed out, but we had a lot of fun nonetheless. It kind of felt like hanging out in a meat locker... not that I've ever done that before... but I imagine it's like a big refrigerator.
Today we went to the Tropen Museum. It was really neat. It was all rainy and grey outside, but we found some warmth and coziness in this cute little red roofed cafe near the Brouwerij't IJ. We can't wait to go back in the summertime!
Yesterday, a group of us (American expats living in Amsterdam) got together in the evening to watch the Obama excitement. (Yes, we didn't have to wake up early to see the inauguration, it was at 6pm here!)
Quint (above), Mason and Gabrille (below) look on as Obama becomes their new president.
Moms and their boys.
"Ladies of Leisure" enjoying this wonderful occasion.