Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Happy February!

today is the first of the month. i always have mini celebrations on the first of the month... not because it's rent day, but because i get excited about starting a fresh month. also, i like turning the page on my calendar.

i had a really great first day of feb actually. school started for me today. i went to my law and ethics class and to my assessment techniques class. my law and ethics professor was also a professor of mine last year... she had given me a bunk grade and i challenged her on it, and she didn't budge. i was not too psyched that i was going to have her again, because i didn't want our past conflicts to effect this entire semester. and, at the beginning of class in front of everyone she says, "Torrey, can you stick around during the break? I want to talk to you." EEEK was i in trouble already? then at the break she says immediately that she looked over her grades from last year and realized that i had been caught in a narrow margin between grades that wasn't fair. she then told me to check my unofficial transcript because she had adjusted my grade.

wait, does that mean that she changed my B to an A? all i could croak out was "thanks" and that i would come to see her in office hours to talk more about it. as soon as i got home i checked my grades online, and wouldn't you know... there was a grade adjustment on there. I GOT STRAIGHT A's NOW! i am a good student, but was never a straight A student.... not since 10th grade at least. and now for both Fall and Spring semesters i have A's across the board. i'm so proud of myself.

other things that made the day happy... i had indian buffet for lunch, the satellite dish started working again on the tv at steph's place, and i talked to marc on the phone! wow... maybe i should quit while i'm ahead and go to sleep soon.

alright... TOBY OUT!

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