Tuesday, February 15, 2005

i'm back

hello bay area, i'm back! i had a good weekend in san diego, saw everyone i wanted to see, wanted to relax more but my homework didn't allow for much of that. it felt great to be home, but then when i got back here today i felt like i was home... again. how can that be, when one person has 2 totally different cities that feel equally like home? as my new friend calls me, i guess i truly am a San Frandiegan. i mean, just sitting on muni with my mini ipod felt like home. it was weird because muni is usually too stinky to be equivalent to anything other that a bathroom... anyways...

i am so tired right now, you'll have to excuse my babbling. you think i talk a lot from day to day, just get me when i'm like an over-tired 2-year-old. it's not a pretty sight. haha! i can babble endlessly and sometimes i even start kicking my legs around in tantrum mode. why am i sharing this? oh yeah, i'm tired and demonstrating my babbling skills. alright, i'd better go now. i just wanted to say a quick little hello to my favorite city... it feels good to be back in SF.

1 comment:

JM said...

I invented words. I am a 'Word Wizard' if you will.