Tuesday, April 05, 2005


so, i've just spent some time reading other people's blogs... and you know what? it truly can remind you that your life isn't so bad. i was shocked at how entertaining it was to read totally random blogs and i was also surprised at how comforting it was.

do you know that feeling when you are going through something and it feels like you are the only one who could possibly be feeling that way? i think it's some human thing to experience that... but, anyways, reading other people's blogs made me feel like i was not alone. other people have silly random stories... other people go through fucked up shit, and have highs and lows, etc. so, it was nice to surf around and peek into other people's worlds. it felt a little sneaky, but blogs are meant to be read, right?

here is a quote from someone else's blog that i loved and wanted to share with my 4 readers.

Blog: "Self Medication through Repeated Obnoxious Behavior and Ridiculous Revelations"

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