Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Gotta count sodas!

I wanted to take a moment tonight to make mention of this thing my brother and his roommate are doing. They call their house the "Player Pad" and their fridge is always stocked full of sodas... as a player's fridge should be. They decided recently to start a "soda count" and they ever so creatively designed a chart. When I was in San Diego last weekend I noticed this chart... I have my own column (notice Toby on the right side over there) even though I don't drink soda. I felt special. :)

Anyways, I took a picture of this chart because I loved it so much that I knew I had to share it with you all. As my brother made clear to me, "it's all science" as opposed to a system put in place for pay backs. No, they are not keeping track so that the major soda drinkers are held accountable for their liquid consumption, this is merely for research purposes. It's an interesting study when you think about it: Where is our soda actually going?

player pad soda count Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lard is in the has now hit 7 and he doesn't even live at the Player Pad