Tuesday, March 14, 2006

no, not that kind of pie!

but of course, how could it have slipped past me? today is march 14th or as otherwise notated 3.14 PI DAY!

thanks to Jess, i was reminded of this special day. and, after some internet searching i even found a website dedicated to suggesting songs one could sing to honor pi and it's 3.14-y-ness.

according to this article, "nerds" around the globe were actually preparing yesterday for this day of math fun. and, we wouldn't want to leave these guys out! :)


Anonymous said...

get the maps out

Anonymous said...

I love pi day, said the former Math teacher. Here's a fun way to remember the formula for the circumference of a circle. If you think of pizza as pizza pie, and you like the crust, you can say, "for me, the Crust is de pie (C=d pi) (Can't access the symbol for pi)

Anonymous said...

OOOOH, fun fun fun! Hanging around math fanatics is really getting to you, huh? LOL. Just kidding, math is good stuff. :)

JM said...

I believe I love pie.
Not the number but the cherry pie.
Spread my lips and open wide.
I believe I love pie.

(to the tune of I believe I can fly)