Friday, June 23, 2006

a new cereal

for those of you who know me well (or even just for those of you who read this blog regularly) you know that i love cereal. it has been a while since a new cereal came onto the scene that i've totally loved. many of the classics are still quite satisfying. therefore, when i found the new grape nuts trail mix cereal i tried to keep my hopes in check. i really didn't need to because this cereal is so good!

i have been way into granola over the past few months because it's more filling and substantial than other cereals. however, if it sits in the milk too long it gets soggy and heavy. this grape nuts trail mix cereal tastes like granola but is much lighter. it's still got the great grape nuts original crunch but adds the satisfying and sweet nature of granola. i didn't feel a need to snack all morning!

so, if you like crunch but grape nuts always seemed to bland and boring to you, give this new trail mix kind a try.


Anonymous said...

The how much fiber does it have?
(The million dollar question that is only monster's to ask)

Torrey said...

5 grams per serving actually! :)

is that a lot or a little?

Anonymous said...

Not bad at all, actually. The recommended daily allowance is with one bowl of this stuff you're a fifth of the way there!