Wednesday, December 20, 2006


i just felt an earthquake! the internet is calling it a 3.7 but let me tell you... on the 2nd floor of a house built in 1906 it felt like a BIG one to me! yikes i was scared!

i have felt quakes in the past that were slower and sort of rolling, but this one was a violent quick jolt. i've never been so scared in an earthquake before actually. maybe it spooked me because i was alone... or because the epicenter felt really close to me (which it was -- less than 2 miles away).


Jenny said...

You felt it too? I was cooking dinner, and let me tell you, I was scared out of my mind that I had broken something when I closed the oven door and suddenly the house started shaking....

Congrats on your first quake in your new place. Hopefully future ones will be more gentle and rolling....

Torrey said...

i'm so glad other people felt it and were freaked too. i've lived in california my whole life and felt dozens of earthquakes. they never scare me, but this one, yowzers!

JM said...

Well over in SF, we got a little jolt. I have been told it is insentive but I really do love a good earthquake and this one let me down.

Sorry it scared you, it was rather sudden and violent.

Jenny said...

Just had another one.... 3.7 again, and centered in the same area....

John said...

I felt that shi---earthquake. I'm reading your blog. Extreme!