Friday, December 05, 2008

We are missing Sinterklaas!

Because we were supposed to have arrived in Amsterdam today, we had been looking forward to celebrating our first Sinterklaas. In the Netherlands there is a separate holiday for a Santa Claus-like figure earlier in December as opposed to in America where Santa Claus shows up on the 25th, Christmas Day.

Sinterklaas rides in on a white horse and people paint their faces black, I think these are the elf-like figures... anyway, it's a lot of fun and we thought we'd be there this year. I guess we'll have to wait to experience it in 2009. We'll be a lot less jet-lagged then.


Monolog said...

oh, this is such a bummer! I remember watching a show about this and thinking it looked so cool. Oh well, thank goodness you will have next year as well!!!

Suzette Prins. said...

have you ever heard of david sedaris? hilarious gay writer. anyways, i was listening to an audiobook of his and he explained dutch christmas in the most hilarious way. i am posting a link. please read!