Monday, January 31, 2005

missing: one little white sock


why does one sock always get lost in a load of laundry? i think the socks like to hide and they sneak into other clothing like pant legs, or in the corners of sheets. i lost one when i did laundry on saturday, and it turned up today. so, i feel complete again.

i think when i was a kid i wrote a play about losing clothes in the laundry. i made a cardboard cut-out of a pair of "tuesday underwear" and i wore it as my costume. do you remember those days of the week underwear that little girls used to wear? i loved them. i guess that was my ocd side coming through early on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember Monica Pette who used to take care of you when you were a little girl. When she found only one sock in the clean laundry, she would throw it back in the hamper so "it could find its mate."